ICONIX Waterworks is excited to announce a strategic partnership with Everett J. Prescott (Team EJP) to represent Kamstrup Water Metering, LLC across Canada.
With a plan, a team of pros on your side, a pipe and parts supplier with everything you need, and an accurate inventory of lead service lines created in time for the federal deadline, it’s time to start planning the replacement of outdated lead service lines.
Everett J. Prescott, Inc. (Team EJP) and the Smart Utility Professionals (SUP) division are excited to announce the expansion of our exclusive partnership with Kamstrup, which now includes 13 states.
What if you didn’t have to turn off the water to install a new valve?
Planning to upgrade your water distribution system with the use of EZ Valves from Advanced Valve Technologies (AVT)? One of the major questions you’ll have is how to install the valve. Let’s learn more about the EZ Valve installation process and see how an inline insertion valve installed under pressure can save your water utility time and money. When you're ready to install, Team EJP offers full-service installations, or installer certification training to help you do the job yourself - and get it done right!
Time to Deploy Smart Water/Wastewater Solutions That Make an Immediate Impact.
Team EJP is proud to announce the launch of its new division, Smart Utility Professionals. Dedicated to providing smart solutions for utilities, the division will focus on metering data, leak detection, GIS services, and large meter testing and replacement.
Team EJP is excited to announce our upcoming Lunch & Learn Engineering Workshops in New York, Ohio, and Indiana.
team EJP Stormwater and Erosion Control Specialists discussed solutions and the perks of using Hydrotex Articulating Block and Tenax 3D Triplanar Geogrids at the 108th Purdue Road School Transportation Conference & Expo.
In the spring of 2020, EJP's Team PPF partnered with environmental consulting firm Woodard & Curran to produce a solution for a complex set of problems with a wastewater treatment system at a shopping center in Hingham, Massachusetts. The system serves The Derby Street Shops, owned by a private retail space company with similar properties all over the United States.