You know that your job in the water, wastewater and stormwater industry is going to become more challenging every year because of the growing scarcity of fresh water, our aging infrastructure, increased federal regulations, and an aging work force.
In order to help, Team EJP has developed a comprehensive specification that addresses many critical issues that you and your organization face. The future is not about purchasing power, but about aligning your firm or utility with the company that can provide you assurances and protection.
It is not every year that the biggest waterworks trade show in the United States and Canada comes to Boston. It has actually been over 40 years since the American Water Works Association has brought the ACE show to one of America's oldest cities. On such a momentous occasion Team EJP made the decision to show up big, and give everyone around us the chance to experience the event of the year!
Team EJP is proud to announce that we will be attending the ACE Annual Conference as it makes an appearance in Boston Massachusetts for the first time in over 40 years. This year will mark the 133rd year that the American Water Works Association has held the event that brings the global water community together. Over a span of 5 days the conference will offer 18 professional tracks and eight workshops on Sunday, plus 450 leading-edge exhibitors with expanded networking opportunities on the show floor. Also highlighted, will be contests such as the annual Top Ops Competition, Pipe-Tapping Contest, Meter Madness, and the Best of the Best Water Taste Test.
As the snow melts away in late winter and early spring, seasonal flooding and resultant property damage becomes a serious concern. Our communities are most fortunate when the snow cover melts slowly and spring rain events are few and far between. These conditions create what we call an orderly run off, or one that will not result on our waterways overflowing their banks.
In many of the areas serviced by Team E. J. Prescott, we have not been so fortunate this year. For example, Maine has experienced some significant flooding as a result of a high volume of snow melt combined with added runoff from some significant rainfall events.
The Team EJP PEPtalk was created in 1993 as a way for Team EJP to keep their employees, customers, and vendors up to date on the company, and the industry. Issue #1 was printed in black & white and while the quality of the newsletters has evolved, the information it provides has always maintained a high standard. This quarterly publishing has never followed a uniform format which gives every release it's own unique personality.
Over the years the pages have told the story of a changing world and depicted how the water solutions have followed suit. Through changing technologies, new products, and updated methods the PEPtalk has become a resource for anyone in the world of water.
Currently in the United States there are over 10,000 trade shows held every year. A tradition that was started in late medieval Europe has continued to be successful in bringing industries together and allowing companies to showcase and demonstrate the latest and greatest in products and services. We have been attending trade shows since this company opened it's doors in 1955. Our strong presence has become a staple in the waterworks industry. Our goal has always been to showcase our vendors and our dedication to service, so that customers can be up to date on everything that we offer.
Value Added Service, or V.A.S., is a program for underground utility contractors, water and sewer utilities and municipalities. V.A.S. can automate your inventory system while freeing up space in your shop or yard and at the same time free up cash reserves.
As a V.A.S. partner EJP will save you shelf space by hanging onto material that you're not using immediately. We then guarantee that those products will be available when you need them.
The University of Prescott Program was a clear choice for me. After attending state college followed by a focused trade school, and a job history ranging from cooking food to warehouse level distribution to cell tower maintenance, the only thing I hadn't done was find success. Once the program had been outlined to me, it was obvious that this was the place to earn that success.
Clean it and keep it clean! It seems like such a simple concept but it drove Team PPF and Blue Earth Labs to join forces and start helping municipalities clean their water system infrastructure.
Blue Earth Labs is an analytical company that manufacturers NSF60 approved products for use in drinking water systems. The folks at PPF are available to visit your water or wastewater treatment facility to discuss solutions. With Blue Earth Lab products we can clean the toughest of iron and manganese stains, organic & inorganic buildup, etc.
Team E. J. Prescott launched its 7th year of Know How Seminars in January 2014. With stops in Columbus, Indiana, Fort Wayne, Indiana and Lima, Ohio, the full day seminars drew approximately 250 construction professionals.
The conference program presented emerging technology and best management practices for the drinking water, wastewater and stormwater industries. The courses were taught by both Team EJP members and vendor partners. Additionally, attendees were afforded networking opportunities and access to manufacturers via a trade show.