Team EJP is a big supporter of the Maine Water Utilities Association Trade Show and this week marked it's 88th Annual meeting. This event is a great opportunity for vendors, customers, and distributors to talk about the latest products and services to the industry.
Tuesday night we invited our customers to a banquet to show our appreciation. This gathering allows us to relax with everyone while enjoying some good food and drink. Thank you to everyone that could join us!
Team E.J. Prescott is proud to announce that we have become an exclusive distributor for Trimble Connect. Trimble Connect/AFC Mapper offers a wide range of cloud based server and software solutions which help water utilities bridge the gap between construction, mapping, asset management, and work order management in the field.
American Flow Control and ESRI systems help in the automation of mapping and asset management. With the AFC Mapper options you will be able to use bar code readers to input all relative information from an AFC Valve or Hydrant after it has been installed in the ground. You will also be able to identify its geographical location on maps of the area where these assets are installed.
Team PPF was contacted by Seth McGee, project manager for McGee Construction in Gardiner, ME. McGee Construction was working on a Maine DOT overlay project that included drainage and safety improvements on Route 3 in Augusta.
The plans and specifications of the project called for an existing 24" corrugated metal pipe (CMP) that crossed under Route 3 to be removed and replaced with 24" reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). Route 3 is a heavily trafficked corridor that starts in Augusta and heads east through Belfast, ending in the town of Mount Desert. In most circumstances, removing and replacing a 24" culvert is not a major project, but in this case the culvert at the center line of the road was 20'+ deep. For this culvert to be removed and replaced, there would have been substantial traffic impact, traffic delays, and engineering required to excavate over 20' deep.
On September 26, Team EJP Blasdell celebrated their annual open house. We had a tremendous response from our customers which consisted of municipalities, contractors, as well as excavation companies. Many of them expressed their gratitude for being invited, and they gained a greater appreciation for what EJP is all about. All attendees were treated to hot dogs and hamburgers as well as a variety of desserts. Customers were given a tour of the warehouse to see first-hand the wide variety of products we offer.
During the open house, clients conveyed how impressed they were with the vastness of the stockyard, diversification of different pipeline products, as well as the accessories needed to connect the piping. Customers were excited to know that we have the fittings (including brass fittings) to meet their application needs. They were also pleased to learn that EJP stocks K-Copper as well as CTS Tubing.