Cleaning Automatic Back Wash and Gravity Filters
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- Cleaning Automatic Back Wash and Gravity Filters
- Apr 3, 2015 8:30:00 AM
- Everett J. Prescott
Filtering water is clearly important. After all, in today’s world even water straight from the source is not that clean. Around the country and the world, water departments are looking at different filter options to find the best possible way to remove impurities from the supply and leave the water looking and tasting crystal clear. There are dozens of different filter types. It would take a very large document to describe, even briefly, all of the different types available. Each municipality will have to do the research and decide what filter option will work best and implement it to provide clean water for the city, county or state.
Two highly effective types of water filter are automatic backwash filters and gravity filters. These are both excellent ways to clean water without utilizing heavy chemicals, which may change the taste and smell. Over time, these water filters will eventually have to be changed, a major expense, but one that every water treatment plant will have to calculate as part of operating expenses. However, it is possible to add life to these filters simply be cleaning them properly and regularly. Any water treatment facility that operates with backwash or gravity filters should learn more about the process to take advantage of the savings and other benefits of the cleaning process.
There are a number of different practices available for cleaning a filter between changes. Additive products, such as those from Blue Earth Labs are highly effective in many cases. Blue Earth Labs creates products that are eco-friendly and easy to use, making water treatment a much easier process for whomever is in charge of the process. While there are costs involved with adding these products, there is still a significant savings when compared to replacing the filter more often. Other cleaning methods include reversing the flow of the water through the filter, and “dry cleaning” the filter media to "reboot" the system, so to speak.
Each of these cleaning methods can be a good solution in certain cases, but only when the filter is relatively clean and there are no seriously harmful toxins in the filter itself. In more difficult cases, turning to the products from Blue Earth Labs may be the best solution because they have the power to actually kill the toxins and other material.
Cleaning instead of replacing a backwash or gravity filter is much cheaper. In an industry where every dollar counts, this is very important. You will find that by cleaning your filters regularly that you can get months if not years of extra life between changes. This can save your department valuable money that can be put to better use. Additionally, when you clean the filters well, there is no reduction in performance when compared with changing the filter—as long as you are keeping up with the recommended changing schedule. Consider it an added boost to the overall cleanliness of the water, and the health and happiness of everyone who drinks or uses the water.
As you can see, the process of cleaning a backwash or gravity filter is very important to water treatment plants—keeping them running properly and saving money. However, it is vital that anyone involved with the cleaning process spends time learning more about the process so that he or she can do the job right and assure the overall safety and cleanliness of the water. By doing this, the result will be success and savings.
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