Mark Your Hydrants for Better Winter Safety and Lower Repair Rates
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- Mark Your Hydrants for Better Winter Safety and Lower Repair Rates
- Dec 12, 2017 1:35:37 PM
- Everett J. Prescott
Blowing snow, snow banks, limited daylight - all these winter issues makes it harder for people to see your hydrants. Whether it's emergency responders, city maintenance or the general public, hydrants are often in the path of damage when roads are slippery or deep with snow. This means your crews will need to be out in the cold making repairs at a time when the temperatures and conditions can lead to crew accidents. Since you can't avoid the winter, how do you avoid the related problems that occur?

A simple slip at the curb can quickly bring a large truck, SUV or car up onto the curb and into your hydrants, causing significant damage to both the vehicle involved as well as the hydrant. This, in turn, demands repairs be made, requiring your crew to go out to take care of the problem.

Winter is also the worst time of the year for house fires. Holiday lights and portable heaters can cause significant problems with causing electrical fires. Combined with shorter days and long, dark nights that lower visibility to a minimum, it's not uncommon emergency responders to accidentally strike and damage the hydrants they need to take care of the problem. Even when this doesn't happen, snowbanks can make it virtually impossible to find the hydrants they need to put the fire out, saving lives and limiting damage to the structure whenever possible.

The best way to avoid these issues is by making it easy to find the right hydrant markers to keep your hydrants visible and easy to locate. When drivers are aware of where the hydrants are located, they take special care to avoid them, helping prevent damage from a vehicle getting too close to the hydrant while maneuvering. Well-marked hydrants help emergency responders easily locate, connect and utilize a critical tool in emergency situations.
By marking your hydrants, you help improve your water utility's repair rates while helping to reduce overall safety hazards in your area. But what if you're not sure which kind of hydrant marker is best for your water utility and municipality's needs? Download the guide below from our sister company, New Concept Tools, to see what hydrant marker is right for you.